Sunday, October 06, 2024

Those who are able to see BEYOND THE SHADOWS and lies of their culture will never be understood let alone believed, by the masses. - Plato (427-347BC)

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Those who are able to see BEYOND THE SHADOWS and lies of their culture will never be understood let alone believed, by the masses.
- Plato (427-347BC)

 Why was Socrates killed?

 Why was Socrates killed?

Socrates, the greatest philosopher of all time, was actually the most hated man in Athens.
He was accused of cruelty and corruption of youth.
The popular court, the Eliea, condemned him to death: and Socrates, one of the most brilliant minds in history, died drinking hemlock.
But why all this?
Socrates apparently wasn't doing anything dangerous.
He simply asked questions, spoke to anyone: with nobles, with common citizens, with young people.
But his questions, in their frankness, in their simplicity demolished the certainties of his interlocutors, forcing them to confront the emptiness of their own certainties, with the incoherence of their reasoning.
He taught us to doubt.
Socrates was a character who was too uncomfortable with the doubts he inculcated.
He had the audacity to expose corrupt politicians and false teachers who advocated false truths and false knowledge.
For this he was sentenced to death. He was a threat to the status quo, a danger that needed to be eliminated.
During the trial, Socrates did not want to repent or beg for mercy.
He also refused to be assisted by a speaker.
Intelligence is inconvenient, this is what the trial against Socrates teaches us.
The masses want illusions and not truths; they want to be flattered and live happily in ignorance.
Smart men are embarrassing.
They are prohibited, ostracized, despised, because they disturb the sleep of the masses, question authority, reveal the deceptions of the institutions.

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Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment - Nikola Tesla

 Nikola Tesla wrote this in 1919.

"Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment and merging of races, and we are still far from this blissful realization.

As I view the world of today, in the light of the gigantic struggle we have witnessed, I am filled with conviction that the interests of humanity would be best served if the United States remained true to its traditions and kept out of "entangling alliances." Situated as it is, geographically, remote from the theatres of impending conflicts, without incentive to territorial aggrandizement, with inexhaustible resources and immense population thoroughly imbued with the spirit of liberty and right, this country is placed in a unique and privileged position. It is thus able to exert, independently, its colossal strength and moral force to the benefit of all, more judiciously and effectively, than as member of a league."

- Nikola Tesla: My Inventions - Nikola Tesla's Autobiography - 1919 in the Electrical Experimenter magazine

The league of nations is now the UN, WEF, WHO.

Nikola Tesla realised understanding energy, frequency and vibration of Electricity gives understanding to Everything.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”